Sunday, April 8, 2018

Public or Private School

   Choosing what school your child will attend can set their goals of life as well as will help you to be set financially. It is hard on parents to choose between them, in their opinion they want better future for their children at the same less pressure on their pocket. Whether it's public or private, here are the pros and cons of both:

Public school Pros:
  • They are more affordable to attend than private schools😊
  • They have more flexible curriculum and more after school activities than private schools😊
  • They are well established and have great facilities.😊
  • Children who attend public local school tend to part of the community.😊
  • Children will be meeting students from other cultures and race.😊 
Public school Cons:
  • They have big and overcrowded classes.😞
  • They have no enough teachers.😞
  • Some students will be missing attention due to large class.😞
  • They may have lack of discipline.😞
  • Some of them will lack basic resources.😞
Private school Pros:
  • They have more challenging curriculum.😊
  • Some are religious and can provide religious classes.😊
  • They have smaller classes and less students which makes teacher give better attention to individual.😊
  • They have better access to basic resources.😊
  • They have less discipline and trouble maker student is usually expelled out of school.😊
  • Student will have better communication with classmates and teachers though alumni.😊
Private school Cons:
  • They are far more expensive than public schools.😞
  • Contain students from different social classes that puts pressure on lesser students.😞
  • Religion being taught will be alienated on those of different religion.😞
  • Some have less access to sporting facilities.😞
  • They have less cultural and race diversity that may not prepare student for after school life.😞
   So choosing which school to send your child actually depends the most on the needs of the child and the financial abilities of parents.

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